A proverb says "Only those who risk going too far have the chance to find out how far they can go."
What we do? Insurance consulting. And only that! Accompaniment on your way! Without compromise!
We know everything about that! Our goal is to be the best! To achieve this, we rely on two points! Competence and network! One for all and all for one!
We represent you in your insurance matters! We do not see you as a case! We see you as a human being!
What is an insurance broker? See the insurance broker as your personal architect for your insurance cover! Unlike an insurance agent (multiple agent, structured sales etc.), the insurance broker is on your side and not on that of the insurer! Your great added value as a client, he is committed to you as a client 100% by contract, similar to a lawyer or tax consultant. This makes him and the client relationship unique in the insurance sector. We offer you reliable and discreet advice in all insurance matters. You can find more on this topic here or with one click!
Quality, efficiency, transparency and safety. These are our guidelines by which you are welcome to measure us.
Berlin Insurance offers risk management, insurance management and seminars in the areas of business immigration, technology companies and biometrics. Berlin Insurance is committed to the client and represents you according to the best advice principle in all insurance matters.
In the area of business immigration, the focus is on two aspects:
1. selection of the right health insurance for the residence title
2. corporate legal risk management for companies incorporated in Germany.
In the area of New Economy, we represent medium-sized technology companies in the insurance sector and provide advice and support in all areas of the supply chain, research and development and the product and company life cycle.
We see biometrics consulting as a very fundamental and essential part of the insurance portfolio. That is why we are your risk advisor when it comes to hedging your biometric risks.
As insurance brokers, we have decided not to carry a so-called "vendor´s tray" in front of us. That's why we do what we do very well, insurance advice, and only that. You won't find any comparisons for electricity or gas with us, you won't find any fund advice with us and you won't find any real estate loan brokerage with us. If you are looking for these services, we can gladly refer you to external network partners. We are convinced that you can only really work excellently for your clients if you specialise in core competences and do not get "bogged down" in cross-selling. We are problem solvers for our clients and we want to stay that way. That is why we tell you exactly what we can do and what you can rely on. This is your added value, our core competencies and reliability.
As a company, you are in constant competition for the best skilled workers and, thanks to globalization, this is now worldwide. We will show you how you can create added value for your employees through targeted insurance advice and thus retain them.
The first years are probably the most exciting in the life of every entrepreneur. You have to take care of many things. That's why we want to make sure that it doesn't end before it has really started! We show you the risks in business and privately that you should think about!
Alongside insurance for biometric risks, health and long-term care insurance is one of the most important insurances. It can often be used to measure how quickly you will get well again and thus be able to pursue your work or hobbies again. Let us advise you!
You want to come to Germany as an entrepreneur or freelancer to start or expand your business here? We will guide you through the insurance process and can also offer you legal and tax advice through our network partners.
Whether biotech, pharmatech, energytech, fintech, insurtec, legaltech or research and development. These technology companies often have special insurance needs. We have special insurance concepts, know what is important and speak tech!
People think little about how important their own physical health, spiritual and mental strength, as well as manpower really are. Many people only find this out when they no longer possess one or more of these things! Secure your income and assets!
As a public authority, are you confronted with checking the health and or pension insurance of incoming entrepreneurs and freelancers? It is often difficult to assess this. Outsource the check to us so that capacities are freed up.
Due to their industry-specific characteristics, IT companies have very special liability risks. Regardless of whether it is an IT consultant, software development or integration. We offer special insurance concepts for each area that are precisely tailored to the IT industry.
Longevity risk is often underestimated by many people. The mortality tables show that people are getting older due to better living conditions. The standard of living should be secured, because poverty in old age is a big problem. We help you!
Are you looking for special advice in the private or personal insurance sector? Talk to us! Our highly qualified team is looking forward to assisting you in all life situations.
tel.: +49 30 921 049 73-0
fax: +49 30 921 049 73-9
@: info@berlin-insurance.com
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